Carnaval in Blankenberge
Time to party in Blankenberge
While officially carnaval got cancelled, there are many things happening in Blankenberge. We visited the fair last night and saw many dressed up people walking the streets. Tonight there is a Carnaval Bar at Jouth home De Leute and you can still visit the fair till March 6th. Blankenberge is using colored wristbands to check the amount off people joining the Carnaval party's. More information on this can be found on the site of Blankenberge.
Beautiful weather & beautiful beach
This time of the year the crowd is limited but the sea is at its best! Come and walk the beach and enjoy the beautiful nature.
New shops and bars to explore!
Things in Blankenberge change regularly. We like to inform you on the new things we discovered.
New candy Store in the 'Visserstraat' with many delicious sweets to buy

Maurice Vintage Bar
New bar in the 'Visserstraat' with wonderful design. We were able to look through the window but unfortunately were too late to get in. You better book your table upfront!

Coin Copain
Where we used to find Couteau at the corner of the 'Kerkstraat' and 'Molenstraat' soon to open:
'Coin Copain'. We look forward to explore it all!
Basically: Just come and #visitblankenberge ! and #stay at #dekolonel ~ See you soon!